Welcome to

Recruitment Ready

Celebrating both happy bid days and who girls are becoming as confident young women along the way.

Resumes, Recommendations (RIFS), personal styling, party etiquette, social media, confidence building…it’s a lot!

Recruitment Ready takes the stress out of the process by setting you up for success.

Hello, hi!

I am so glad you are here.

It’s a happy bid day & so much more.

Welcome along!

Leighton, the sorority recruitment expert….born and raised in Knoxville, TN, but chose Auburn University to call home in the fall of 2015.

Combining what she personally learned going through the process, her love of southern style, etiquette and desire to give back, Recruitment Ready was born-back in 2019!!

“We have helped hundreds of girls CELEBRATE a happy bid day, and that brings me SO MUCH JOY!”

“My heart behind Recruitment Ready is that girls would grow in confidence along the way. To me, it’s about a “VERY HAPPY bid day” and about who they are becoming as a young woman along the way.”

So how does it work?

Select the package(s) that best fits you!

AS SEEN IN |||| Fox News | Wall Street Journal | Country Living Magazine | College Fashionista Magazine | Say it Southern Podcast | The Morning Brew |

AS SEEN IN |||| Fox News | Wall Street Journal | Country Living Magazine | College Fashionista Magazine | Say it Southern Podcast | The Morning Brew |

Client Testimonial Videos

Client Testimonial!

Client Testimonial!

Client Testimonial!

What happy past clients are saying about Recruitment Ready…

“Recruitment ready gave me the confidence to walk into whatever recruitment party I had that next day knowing that I had already put my best foot forward during the summer through my resume and pre-recruitment questions thanks to Leighton. Like many, I didn’t have an older sister go before me, but recruitment ready allowed Leighton to fill that role. Not only did she comfort me, but she was there for every outfit idea and conversation started!” — Lily Grace T.

“So happy I used Recruitment Ready! Leighton is the best!.” - Evelyn G.

My conversations with Leighton gave me such confidence and peace of mind about the sorority recruitment process. I am headed to UGA and was a little nervous, but I feel WAY more confident after working with Leighton.” -Rachel K.

“Recruitment Ready is AMAZING and a LIFESAVER to all these girls and their mamas! We are so happy. I really don’t think we could have done this with out you. Forever thankful!!” -Jenny B.

I felt really prepared after working with Leighton. I went to UT and Recruitment Ready helped me get organized with my recommendation letters, helped me be less nervous and way more excited about it all!” -Andrea N.


“Recruitment Ready was instrumental in guiding my daughter through the recruitment process. I am so thankful for you and your guidance. They loved her little black dress. You truly have been an amazing women to lead my daughter and her friends through the process.” — LeAnne C.

“In Recruitment Ready I learned that you don’t need to come in with stereotypes of each house in your mind: try to not listen to what people say about each house. Decide if you like it for yourself!”— Avery W.

I honestly don’t have enough great things to say about the “Get Her to Bid Day Bundle.” Leighton checked in on my daughter EVERY single day and it gave me such peace of mind knowing someone else (besides just me) was caring for her. The style sessions, text support and online course were so impactful on my daughter’s experience. -Karen J.

“The online course is something my daughter could watch over the summer multiple times. She would watch each section at a time and learned SO much from the content provided. We had a happy bid day! -Beth B.

“Leighton was such a wonderful role model for my daughter. Being an introvert, the recruitment process was a bit daunting, but the tips that Leighton provided through “The Everything Package” and the afternoon at Dillards were game changing. My daughter actually enjoyed her time talking with the active members during recruitment and she spoke with confidence during her rounds and she was able to shine. I'm so thankful we had Leighton in our corner!” Courtney W.




Featured on Swoozie’s Website… under the “Sorority Essentials.

Shop and See More Here!

Say it Southern Podcast highlights the latest movers, shakers, and taste-makers across the South. It was an honor & FUN to be guest on their podcast.


Leighton Newberry was named the “Sorority Rush Expert” in the College Fashionista Magazine!


Separate Mentorship & Etiquette Coaching

Because positive habits start early & build over time!

The Sorority Recruitment Process is not what it used to be! We are honored to come alongside you in this process.

& A LOT has changed since 1985.

Get in touch.

Not sure which packages to bundle?

Questions about the online course?

Looking to book your first one-on-one or style session ?

Questions about the mentorship program?

We got you!