Recruitment Ready Reps

A few of our past clients across the South sharing their experience, supporting our mission & giving relevant advice!

  • Mary Stephen Schwalb. Ole Miss.

    “Recruitment Ready taught me how to write a thank you note and talk to anyone, from anywhere about any topic! Leighton taught me it is better to be a listener and helped my mom and I stay organized and collected all of rush week and freshman year! RR was such a blessing to us!”

    Advice to a current high-school senior:

    Everything ALWAYS works out perfectly in the end. This sounds cliche, but I look back on freshman year and couldn’t imagine my life without the late nights, unexpected changes, challenging classes and all the relationships that came at the perfect time. Don’t stress the little things!

  • Lily Grace Thome. Auburn University.

    “Recruitment Ready gave me the confidence to walk into whatever recruitment party I had that next day knowing that I had already put my best foot forward during the summer through my resume and pre-recruitment questions thanks to Leighton. Like many, I didn’t have an older sister go before me, but recruitment ready allowed Leighton to fill that role. Not only did she comfort me, but she was there for every outfit idea and conversation started!”

    Advice to a current high-school senior

    My piece of advice would be to get out of your comfort zone. We are able to accomplish so much if we push ourself outside of our comfort zone just a little bit. New friends, new place, new classes- all of it is so exciting. Soak it all up!

  • Ava Michael. The University of Tennessee.

    "Recruitment Ready taught me so many amazing things but one huge one thing was staying true to who i am and never forgetting that there is a sorority out there that is going to love me for me! If you feel like you have to change in order to fit in somewhere, those aren’t the people for you, and eventually you will find the people for you. There might be moments along the way where you don’t understand why things are going the way they are but at the end of recruitment you’ll look back and be so thankful that things went the way they did!!"

    Advice to a current high-school senior:

    I would tell a high-school senior preparing for sorority recruitment to believe in themselves and remember that god has a plan for everyone even if we don’t understand what that plan is in the moment. Something that helped me keep my head held high during rush was the saying “rejection is redirection” and by the end of the recruitment process i couldn’t have been more thankful for that redirection because it lead me to the people i get to call my sisters for life. Additionally make as many connections as possible before getting to campus because it’s always nice to see a friendly face in the midst of the whirlwind of emotions that come with the recruitment process."

  • Lauren Lewis. University of Arkansas.

    The most important thing Recruitment Ready taught me was to be my true self during rush. I walked into each house with confidence knowing that I would end up exactly where I needed to be if I was myself. Trying to be someone else during recruitment can make the process more hectic because not only are you trying to make yourself seen by the sorority, you are trying to pretend to be someone else entirely and that will add so much stress to an already overwhelming environment. My biggest take away from recruitment ready was to be 100% myself and be confident in my own skin.

    Advice to a current high-school senior:

    My biggest advice would be to make the most of every opportunity you have to connect with girls rushing and girls who are actives (if your panhellenic allows) in order to meet as many people as possible! Also, soak up the time you have with your high school friends because this is the last time you will all be in one place at the same time.

  • Reagan Wells. The University of Alabama.

    Recruitment Ready taught me the importance of networking and how making connections can help you not just in recruitment, but life!

    Advice to current high-school girls

    I would encourage high school seniors to just be more confident in themselves because recruitment is way less scary than your imagining and being confident in yourself makes others confident in you!

  • Hannah Ericson. SMU.

    “Recruitment Ready taught me that after asking older girls and women to write a letter of recommendation on your behalf for the many chapters on your university's campus, make sure to send them a thoughtful and personal, handwritten thank you note.”

    Advice to a current high-school senior:

    Be true to yourself when creating your outfits for recruitment. Do not worry about what is the most "trendy" or expensive. Choose what you feel most confident and happy in. Your smile and confidence shine through during rush week when you are proud of, and comfortable with, what you are wearing!

  • Burkley Ayres. Auburn University

    “Recruitment Ready taught me Recruitment Ready taught me the importance of making connections and networking! This is helpful not only during recruitment but also in life when looking for jobs or ways to get involved on campus!”

    Advice to a current high-school senior:

    HAVE FUN!! Recruitment is a great way to make connections with other girls on your campus and who knows you my end up having classes with them! It is important to always be yourself and understand that you will end up where you are supposed to be. With this being said find a light each day whether it is talking to new girls in line, doing your hair a different way, or talking about special talent you don't normally share. All of these are great ways to keep the week as stress free as possible!

  • Abbie Merhoff. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

    "Recruitment Ready taught me to be bold. Leighton would teach me how to network, and I thought it would be awkward, but the older girls actually loved when I reached out to them. I wouldn't have had the boldness to do this without Leighton cheering me on all the way!"

    Advice to a current high-school senior:

    "I would tell a high-school senior preparing for sorority recruitment to believe in themselves and remember that God has a plan for everyone even if we don’t understand what that plan is in the moment. Something that helped me keep my head held high during rush was the saying “rejection is redirection” and by the end of the recruitment process i couldn’t have been more thankful for that redirection because it lead me to the people I get to call my sisters for life.

    Additionally, make as many connections as possible before getting to campus because it’s always nice to see a friendly face in the midst of the whirlwind of emotions that come with the recruitment process."

  • Erin Harvey. UGA.

    “Recruitment Ready taught me how to better represent my authentic self during recruitment!”

    Advice to a current high-school senior:

    One piece of advice I would give a high-school senior is to just be yourself and everything will fall into place!”

  • Lucy Bianchi. The University of Alabama

    “Recruitment Ready taught me how to carry on conversation for a long period of time.”

    Advice to a current high-school senior:

    “ To be your true self!! You will find your sorority if you stay true to yourself and to focus on where you feel the most comfortable when you walk into their house during rush. “

  • Brooke Brummett. Ole Miss.

    “One thing that recruitment ready tought me was I learned how to hold conversations! During recruitment there will some points where conversations get awkward or come to a end, so recruitment ready taught me some questions and responses to keep in mind! When I was first told this I didn’t truly understand how helpful it would be, but having questions in the back of your mind especially when you are nervous was really helpful to ease conversations and start new ones.”

    Advice to a current high-school senior:

    One piece of advice that I would give someone going through recruitment is to take it all in. It is such a fun week and I totally wish I could do it all over again!! I would encourage girls to take a breather and just have a positive mindset. This is a week that you will look back on and it will hold a special place in your heart. I remember coming through I was super nervous and I wish I would have taken a step back and really enjoyed every experience!! You always end up where you are supposed to be so that is why my advice is to take it all in and relax because it will make the week so much better!!!

  • Chappell Mayes. UTK.

    “Recruitment Ready was so so helpful as I prepared for recruitment! It taught me what to keep with me in my rush bag so I was always prepared! It also helped me find outfits that I knew were classy, but also made me feel confident! Recruitment Ready is amazing!!”

    Advice to a high-school senior:

    “The best peice of advice I can give to a girl preparing for sorority recruitement is to not stress over making the perfect first impression each round, but rather strive to make genuine connections with the girls in front of you!! As cliche as it sounds, being yourself is the best thing you can do during recruitment because you want to find a house and girls who will love you for you!! You will end up where you are meant to be in the end!!”

  • Kate Babcock. Auburn University.

    “Recruitment Ready taught me how to be confident going into each round by knowing what the houses are looking for and how to use that to my best advantage in natural conversation. It was also very helpful to have a second opinion on outfits because I was able to be more comfortable in parties knowing that I was wearing clothes that were classy and representing me well!”

    Advice to a current high-school senior:

    “A piece of recruitment advice I would give to senior girls is to make real connections with older girls from your high school or hometown who are in sororities at your university. It is always comforting to have familiar faces not only during recruitment, but also on your new campus even after the recruitment process is over!”

  • Lily Bianchi. The University of South Carolina.

    “Recruitment Ready taught me how to keep my nerves under control and gave me a little game plan to have in the back of my mind of conversation topics.”

    Advice to a current high-school senior:

    My best piece of advice I can give is to not focus too much on asking specific questions during rounds, but rather focus on making authentic connections and even joking with the girls rushing you!! I remember the first round in my now sorority I was so busy laughing the whole time with one girl that I don’t think we even talked about the philanthropy. Being able to laugh with a girl rushing you, and having truly authentic conversations will make her want you to be one of her sisters because these girls want to find their friends and their littles so keep that in mind and BE CONFIDENT!!!

  • Brantley Lemaster. TCU.

    “One thing Recruitment Ready has taught me is how to be confident in who I am. I learned I do not need to change who I am just to please someone else. This was especially important because I did not want to be in a sorority where I could not be myself. I loved the worksheets and sticky notes which helped reassure me and gave me so much confidence in myself and I'm so thankful to Recruitment Ready for helping me gain my confidence.”

    Advice to a current high-school senior:

    One piece of advice I would give to a high-school senior preparing for sorority recruitment is to get out of your comfort zone, especially when waiting in line before going into a house talk to the girls that are in line with you. By talking to the girls in line with you, you get to see who might be part of that pledge class which can be helpful in choosing the right house for you. I know it can be intimidating since you do not know them, but I promise they are just as nervous as you. By talking to someone in line with you, it can calm you down before going in a house and it's always nice to have a familiar face in case you need something.

  • Avery Payne. Auburn University.

    “Recruitment Ready gave me peace while picking out my outfits for Recruitment. I love clothes and expressing myself through the things that I wear. However, it was easy to get caught up in what others might think about what I wore during Recruitment and completely forget about how it made me feel. Recruitment Ready allowed me to recognize that it's important to express my personality through my clothing, shoes, and earrings and doing so in a fun way!”

    Advice to current high-school senior:

    One piece of advice I would give a high-school senior preparing for sorority recruitment is to be the most authentic self during each and every round. It's so important to stay true to who you are, as well as your morals and values throughout recruitment

  • Maddy Panveno-SMU.

    “Recruitment Ready taught me ways to stand out when entering each party! It also helped guide me in selecting outfits for everyday that made me feel beautiful and confident!”

    Advice to a high-school senior

    “Keep an open mind throughout the entire process and follow your heart because it will lead you to your forever home and lifelong sisters!”

  • Finley Brandon. UTK.

    “Recruitment Ready helped me feel prepared before recruitment started and stay organized! Recruitment Ready also taught me what to expect!”

    Advice to current high-school senior:

    “No part of recruitment is necessarily “easy” and there will be times where you are uncomfortable, but the whole process helps you get out of your shell and find the right people for you! Remember to always be your true self and you will end up right where you are supposed to be! Try your absolute best to go with the flow, have fun, and drink caffeine! ;)”

  • Caroline Welborn. TCU.

    “Recruitment Ready taught me how to properly write my cover letter, resume, and thank you letters for recommendations! It was so helpful to have them as a guide.

    Advice to a current high-school senior:

    “Be yourself and don’t stress too much about the process! Everything happens for a reason, and what’s meant to be will be! Shine your light and being your realest self is so important!”

  • Mia Shirley. Mississippi State.

    “Recruitment Ready taught me to be more confident in who I am and to just be myself! It also taught me the importance of being intentional with thank you notes! Leighton also taught me the importance of being comfortable and confident with what you have on because that’s how you will feel about yourself when talking to the different houses!”

    Advice to current high-school senior:

    “My best piece of advice would be to not try and change who you are, but to be confident in yourself because you will end up where they are meant to be! I would also suggest having everything you need for recruitment ahead of time so that way you aren’t having to rush last minute and stress!”

  • Annie Gonzalez. Baylor University.

    “Recruitment Ready taught me how to be confident in my conversations! Going through our list of conversation topics was so helpful to make sure I always had something to talk about!”

    Advice to a current high-school senior:

    “Everything really does happen for a reason! Trust your gut and don't doubt yourself, you will always know what is best for you and your recruitment experience will be what you make of it! Think of it as a week where you will learn so much about yourself and you will meet some of your best life-long friends!”

  • Riley Jones. Clemson University.

    "Recruitment Ready taught me how to make connections with girls during each party! I learned how to put my best foot forward during parties by having a super positive attitude and giving detailed answers during conversations. I learned so much about how to keep conversations going and transition from one topic to the next. This really helped my confidence and made me feel super prepared throughout rush!"

    Advice to a current high-school senior:

    "One piece of advice I would give a high-school senior preparing for sorority recruitment would be to stay in the moment! Try your best to not get worked up and enjoy your experience. You can meet new girls and make friends all throughout the rush process. One thing that really made rush fun for me was getting to know everyone in my Pi Chi group and talking with the girls in line with me before each party!"

  • Evelyn Gray. LSU.

    “Recruitment Ready taught me what topics to avoid during rush and what topics to discuss. Leighton helped me decide on a few interesting facts about myself that I could talk about with anyone. She also helped me learn what topics to avoid, such as politics.”

    Advice to a current high-school senior:

    Be yourself!! Recruitment is often stressful and intimidating but each sorority wants to see who you are. You will end up where you are meant to be, even if it's not what you expected.

  • Mary Elizabeth Kirkpatrick, University of Texas at Austin.

    Recruitment Ready taught me the importance of positivity, it is something that oftentimes gets overlooked during rush and in life! A positive attitude and a smile will get you so far and make everyone around you feel so much more comfortable especially with the overwhelming nature of rush.

    Advice to a current high-school senior:

    Go into all rounds with an open mind, and make sure you maintain eye contact with the actives!!

  • Lucy-Kate Williams. The University of Alabama.

    “One simple thing Recruitment Ready has taught me is how to authentically put myself forward while simultaneously being preparing me for real life interactions not just in a sorority but also in a job setting!”

    Advice to a high-school senior:

    “One major piece of advice is to take rush one step at a time. There are so many little things that go into rushing at any school and it’s imperative to not let it overwhelm you! Also it’s important not to get set on any one place or sorority pre-rush. As cliche and silly as it sounds you are going to end up exactly where you are meant to be!”

  • Kate Fuller. Ole Miss.

    “Recruitment Ready has taught me countless things but the one that stood out the most was to be confident in who you are!”

    Her advice to a current high-school senior:

    “Be yourself don't change for what sorority you like the most find what is best for YOU!”

  • Sarah Claire Lusk. UTK

    “Recruitment Ready taught me to hold insightful conversations and avoid the dreaded small talk that is often associated with recruitment. I feel that all of my conversations gave me a good understanding of the house and if I could see myself there.”

    Advice to a current high-school senior:

    “One piece of advice I would give to a senior preparing for recruitment is to be authentic and the confidence will follow. Preparation can be overwhelming, but it will allow you to shine as the best version of yourself! Also, as hard as it may seem to put aside preconceptions, going in with an open mind will allow you to form your own thoughts and feelings on each chapter. “

  • Bryn Lawson. Auburn University.

    Recruitment Ready taught me to always add more. Don't be brief, these girls are trying to get to know you so share as much as you can!”

    Advice to a current high-school senior:

    “Start early! The earlier you start asking for recs the less stress you will have over the summer!”

  • Adelyn Burns. The University of South Carolina

    “Recruitment Ready taught me how hold a good, meaningful conversation. The online course was super helpful to come back to!”

    Advice to a current high-school senior:

    “Don’t stress, and be yourself!!”

Get started with Recruitment Ready today!